Tips to Maintain a Bright Smile with Clear Aligners 

At Szymanowksi Orthodontics, Dr. Damon and the team have been making Sactown smiles for a while now, and we believe in keeping you in the know, in and out of the office. If you’ve got clear aligners, chances are you might be interested in a few tips to maintain that bright smile! So read on, and let’s find out! 

The Basics of Clear Aligner Care

Maintaining your clear aligners is the easiest way to ensure that you end up with a stunning, healthy smile. Proper care of your aligners doesn’t just ensure their effectiveness but also maintains your overall oral health. Let’s dive into the essential practices for clear aligner maintenance, as recommended by Dr. Damon.

Daily Cleaning Routine

Orthodontic aligner cleaning is crucial for preventing the buildup of bacteria and plaque, which can lead to bad breath and tooth decay. Clear aligner care is all about developing a daily cleaning routine that becomes as natural as brushing your teeth. Here are some bright smile tips to ensure your aligners stay pristine and odor-free:

  • Morning and Evening Care: Start and end your day by gently brushing your aligners with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a mild, non-abrasive soap. This removes any plaque or bacteria that may have accumulated overnight or throughout the day. Rinse them thoroughly under lukewarm water to avoid warping the material.
  • After Meals: Always rinse your aligners with water after eating and before putting them back in your mouth. This practice helps remove any food particles and prevents staining. Remember, maintaining a clean environment for your aligners is essential for a bright, healthy smile.

Incorporating these simple steps into your daily routine ensures your clear aligners work effectively while keeping your smile bright and healthy.

Proper Storage Practices

When you’re not wearing your clear aligners, storing them properly is just as important as keeping them clean. Proper storage protects your aligners from damage and contamination, ensuring they remain in optimal condition for the duration of your treatment.

  • Use the Case: Always store your aligners in the protective case provided by Szymanowski Orthodontics. This prevents exposure to bacteria and reduces the risk of losing them. Make it a habit to carry your case with you, ensuring your aligners have a safe place when you’re eating or drinking outside.
  • Keep Them Away from Heat and Direct Sunlight: Extreme temperatures can warp your aligners, affecting their fit and effectiveness. Always keep them in a cool, dry place to maintain their shape and function.

By following these storage guidelines, you can protect your investment and ensure your clear aligner care progresses smoothly.

Eating and Drinking Guidelines

One of the best things about clear aligners is the ability to eat and drink without restrictions. However, to maintain your aligners and ensure they remain invisible and effective, there are some guidelines you should follow:

  • Remove Before Eating: Always take out your aligners before eating or drinking anything other than water. This prevents food particles from getting trapped between your teeth and the aligners, which could lead to cavities or stains.
  • Clean Your Teeth Before Reinsertion: After each meal or snack, brush your teeth before putting your aligners back in. This reduces the risk of trapping harmful sugars and acids against your teeth, which can lead to decay.

Follow these eating and drinking guidelines to help maintain your aligner’s integrity and ensure your clear aligner care is as effective as possible, leading to a brighter, healthier smile.

Tips to Maintain a Bright Smile with Clear Aligners

Be Consistent! 

A whole lot of treatment comes down to making sure you do the obvious things. That means you want to be sure and wear your aligners, keep your check-ups, and other practical things like that. Let’s take a closer look! 

Stick to Your Aligner Schedule

The success of your aligner treatment largely depends on wearing your aligners for the recommended 20-22 hours a day. This consistent wear is crucial for moving your teeth into their correct positions smoothly and efficiently. It’s normal to face a bit of discomfort when switching to a new set of aligners, but this usually subsides within a few days. Remember, every hour counts, and sticking to your schedule accelerates your journey to a brighter smile.

Embrace Regular Check-ups

Regular appointments with Szymanowski Orthodontics are more than just routine check-ups; they’re a cornerstone of your treatment’s success. These visits allow Dr. Damon to monitor your progress, make any necessary adjustments, and ensure that your treatment is on track. They also provide an opportunity for you to share your experiences and receive personalized advice, ensuring your treatment journey is tailored to your needs.

Manage Discomfort 

It’s common to experience some discomfort with new aligners, but there are effective ways to manage it. Over-the-counter pain relief can help, and if an aligner feels unusually uncomfortable, it might need a quick adjustment. Always feel free to reach out to Szymanowski Orthodontics with any concerns. Your comfort and the effectiveness of your treatment are our top priorities.

Tips to Maintain a Bright Smile with Clear Aligners

Ready to Get Started? 

We hope we’ve given you a few tips and tricks for managing your smile with clear aligners. But maybe you still have a question or two? No worries! Dr. Damon loves hearing from our awesome Sactown patients, so just give us a call! And if you’re looking for an experienced, compassionate orthodontic expert for you and your family, our consultations are always free, so visit our Sacramento office today to get started! 

When Should Your Child See an Orthodontist? 

Here at Szymanowski Orthodontics, Dr. Damon and the team take your smile seriously. And that extends to the whole family! Did you know that even though the teen years are the most common time for orthodontic care, even children as young as seven may benefit from treatment? Read on to learn more!

The Right Time for an Orthodontic Visit

The journey to a perfect smile begins with understanding the best time to introduce your child to orthodontic care. According to the American Association of Orthodontists and our very own Dr. Damon Szymanowski, the ideal age for a child’s first orthodontic evaluation is around seven to eight years old.

Why So Early?

At this age, children’s teeth and jaws are still developing, making it the prime time for Dr. Damon to spot subtle problems that may turn into more significant issues down the road. This initial check-up can reveal if your child’s bite is on the right track or if early intervention, known as Phase I treatment, might be beneficial.

What is Phase I Treatment?

Phase I treatment, or early orthodontic treatment, aims to correct bite problems and improper jaw development before they become more severe. This proactive approach can significantly reduce the need for extensive orthodontic work later on, including dental braces for more extended periods.

Recognizing the Signs

Knowing the signs of orthodontic issues can help parents decide when to take their child for an evaluation. Here are some clues that your child might need orthodontic attention:

  • Early or late loss of baby teeth
  • Difficulty chewing or biting
  • Protruding teeth or bite problems
  • Mouth breathing or thumb-sucking
  • Crowded, misplaced, or blocked teeth
  • Jaws that shift or make sounds

These signs indicate potential malocclusions that could affect not only the aesthetics of your child’s smile but also their overall oral health.

Orthodontics Beyond Aesthetics

Orthodontics for kids isn’t just about creating a picture-perfect smile; it’s about laying the foundation for a lifetime of good oral health. Properly aligned teeth are easier to clean, reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease. Moreover, correcting bite problems early on can prevent more serious issues, such as difficulty chewing, speech problems, and abnormal wear of tooth enamel.

The Benefits of Early Orthodontic Treatment

Early orthodontic treatment offers numerous advantages, including:

  • Guiding jaw growth to accommodate emerging teeth
  • Lowering the risk of trauma to protruding front teeth
  • Correcting harmful oral habits like thumb-sucking and tongue-thrusting
  • Improving your child’s appearance and self-esteem
  • Guiding permanent teeth into a more favorable position

By addressing these issues early, Dr. Damon Szymanowski can often achieve results that might not be possible once your child’s face and jaws have stopped growing.

When Should Your Child See an Orthodontist? 

Empowering Parents for Early Orthodontic Intervention

Understanding the importance of early orthodontic evaluations and interventions empowers parents to make informed decisions about their child’s oral health. Identifying the ideal time for these initial visits and recognizing signs of potential orthodontic issues are crucial steps in ensuring the long-term wellness of your child’s smile.

The Significance of Early Evaluations

Early orthodontic evaluations are more than just a preliminary check-up; they’re a proactive approach to detecting and addressing dental and jaw development concerns. These assessments allow orthodontists to identify subtle problems that may not be apparent but could lead to more significant issues if left untreated.

Phase I Treatment: Laying the Foundation for a Healthy Smile

Phase I treatment plays a pivotal role in correcting bite problems and improper jaw development early on. This stage of orthodontic care is designed to intercept developing issues, simplify future treatments, and, in some cases, eliminate the need for further orthodontic interventions altogether. Understanding Phase I treatment gives parents a clear insight into the benefits of early orthodontic care, including:

  • Promoting proper jaw growth
  • Reducing the risk of trauma to protruding front teeth
  • Addressing harmful oral habits effectively
  • Enhancing the aesthetic and functional aspects of your child’s smile
  • Steering the permanent teeth into more favorable positions

Recognizing the Need for Early Orthodontic Care

For parents, knowing what to look for can be the first step in safeguarding their child’s oral health. Common indicators such as early or late loss of baby teeth, difficulties in chewing or biting, and visible bite problems are telltale signs that an orthodontic evaluation may be necessary. Additionally, habits like thumb-sucking, mouth breathing, and crowded or misplaced teeth can also suggest the need for early orthodontic intervention.

The Broader Impact of Orthodontics on Kids

Orthodontic treatment during childhood doesn’t just focus on straightening teeth; it addresses the overall harmony between teeth, jaws, and facial structures. Proper alignment contributes to improved oral hygiene, easier maintenance of dental health, and a balanced facial appearance. Early interventions can thus play a significant role in enhancing a child’s self-esteem, confidence, and overall quality of life.

When Should Your Child See an Orthodontist? 

Call Today for a Free Consultation! 

When it comes to orthodontics for kids, early evaluation and treatment can make a world of difference. By bringing your child to Szymanowski Orthodontics at our Sacramento office for a free orthodontic check-up by age seven, you’re taking a vital step towards securing their oral health and beautiful smile. 

Whether it’s phase I treatment, dental braces, or simply monitoring their growth and development, Dr. Damon Szymanowski and our team are here to provide expert care tailored to your child’s needs. If you’re noticing any signs of orthodontic issues or just want to ensure your child’s teeth are developing correctly, we invite you to schedule a consultation. Let us be a part of your child’s journey to a happy, healthy smile.

Can Early Orthodontic Treatment Correct Underbites in Children? 

Can Early Orthodontic Treatment Correct Underbites in Children?

Here at Szymanowski Orthodontics, we take you and your family’s health seriously. Dr. Damon and the team want to set you up for success, and that means answering your questions about early treatment. Let’s take a look at the question – can early orthodontic treatment correct underbites in children? 

Understanding Early Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic issues, such as underbites, are not uncommon in children. In fact, they’re perfectly normal! But what exactly is an underbite? 

Underbites occur when the lower teeth protrude in front of the upper teeth, affecting both appearance and function. Parents often wonder if early orthodontic treatment can correct underbites in children.  

Early orthodontic treatment, sometimes referred to as Phase 1 treatment, is a specialized approach to address orthodontic issues in children at a young age. It typically occurs when a child still has a mix of primary (baby) and permanent teeth. The primary goal of early treatment is to guide facial and jaw growth, create proper alignment, and ensure that the permanent teeth have adequate space to emerge correctly.

Early orthodontic treatment is particularly effective in children with underbites because it can address the issue while their jaws are still developing. By intervening during this crucial phase of growth, orthodontists can influence the direction and alignment of the jaw, ultimately correcting the underbite.

Addressing Underbites in Children

Underbites can develop for various reasons, including genetics, thumb-sucking habits, or jaw misalignment. These issues can impact a child’s appearance, speech, and overall oral health. Early orthodontic treatment can play a crucial role in addressing underbites in children by intervening during their developmental years.

It’s important to note that not all underbites require early treatment. Orthodontists will assess each case individually to determine the appropriate timing for intervention. However, when early treatment is recommended, it can bring about significant benefits.


Can Early Orthodontic Treatment Correct Underbites in Children? 

The Benefits of Early Orthodontic Treatment

There are a whole lot of advantages to early orthodontic treatment when it’s applicable to your child. Not only when it comes to preventing an underbite, but from such wide-ranging angles as easier cleaning sessions to improved self-esteem. Let’s check out a few of them: 

Facilitating Jaw Growth:

At a young age, a child’s jaw is still growing and developing. Early orthodontic treatment can guide this growth, helping to correct the underbite and create a harmonious bite alignment. By harnessing the natural growth potential of the jaw, orthodontists can influence the position of the lower jaw in relation to the upper jaw, gradually moving it into the correct position.


Preventing Complications:

Addressing underbites early can prevent potential complications, such as difficulty chewing, speaking, and maintaining proper oral hygiene. It can also help avoid more invasive treatments later in life. Without intervention, underbites can lead to a variety of issues, including increased wear and tear on teeth, speech difficulties, and self-esteem challenges due to changes in facial appearance. Early treatment can mitigate these concerns and promote optimal oral health.

Enhancing Facial Appearance:

Correcting an underbite can have a positive impact on your child’s facial symmetry, boosting their self-esteem and confidence. Children with underbites may feel self-conscious about their appearance, and early treatment can help address these concerns. A properly aligned jaw can result in a more symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing facial profile.

Creating Enough Space:

Early treatment ensures there is enough space for your child’s permanent teeth to emerge correctly, reducing the likelihood of crowding or misalignment issues. Underbites can sometimes lead to overcrowding of teeth or other orthodontic problems. By addressing the underbite early, orthodontists can create a stable foundation for the eruption of permanent teeth, promoting a healthy and functional smile.

Improving Bite Function:

By addressing underbites early, your children can enjoy improved oral function, including better chewing and speech. Underbites can affect the way a child bites and chews food, which can definitely lead to discomfort or difficulty in consuming a balanced diet. Additionally, underbites can impact speech clarity, making it challenging for children to articulate certain sounds or words. Early orthodontic treatment can help children develop proper oral function, ensuring they can eat, speak, and smile with confidence.


Can Early Orthodontic Treatment Correct Underbites in Children? 

We Can Help! 

If you or anyone in the family have any orthodontic issues, Szymanowski Orthodontics can help! Dr. Damon and the team are highly trained and enthusiastic about your smile, plus consultations are always 100% free of charge! Sacramento deserves a practice that sees people, not profits, and that’s Szymanowski Orthodontics. Call today! 

Tips To Help With Dental Anxiety at The Orthodontist

At Szymanowski Orthodontics in Sacramento, we understand that visiting the orthodontist can make some people nervous. That’s why Dr. Damon and our compassionate team are dedicated to making your visits as comfortable and stress-free as possible. We’ll share some handy tips to help ease your dental anxiety. 

Understanding Dental Anxiety

Dental anxiety is like that moment before stepping on stage – your heart races, your palms might sweat, and you feel a bit jittery. It’s a common reaction to the thought of sitting in the orthodontist’s chair. Our team often sees reactions just like that. But what exactly sparks this nervousness?

Some of us may have had a not-so-great dental experience in the past. Ever seen a scary movie and had it stick with you later? It’s kind of like that for some people. Others might worry about discomfort or the unknown aspects of orthodontic treatment. It’s natural to feel uneasy about things we’re not familiar with.

Then there’s the fear of pain, a biggie for many of our patients. Even the thought of minor discomfort can send our minds into a frenzy. And let’s not forget the vulnerability of having someone work so close to our personal space – our mouth. 

But here’s the good news: Dr. Damon and our team are pros at making patients feel at ease at Szymanowski Orthodontics. We believe in turning your orthodontic experience into a positive one. By understanding the roots of dental anxiety, we can better address it. We can then make your visits more exciting and less stressful. 

Recognizing the Signs of Dental Anxiety

Spotting the signs of dental anxiety involves being mindful of your mind and body. At Szymanowski Orthodontics, we’ve seen various ways this anxiety can manifest, and understanding these signs is the first step to managing them. 

Physical Symptoms

You might notice your heart pounding like you’re about to start a race. Some folks experience sweaty or clammy palms. Almost like you’re waiting for a job interview; others might feel a bit dizzy or have an upset stomach, similar to pre-exam jitters.

Emotional Symptoms

On the inside, it’s a whirlwind of feelings. You might feel a sense of dread, fear, or angst when thinking about your orthodontic appointment. 

Behavioral Symptoms

Also, pay attention to how you act and the decisions you make. Do you keep putting off your appointment? Or maybe you had your free consult but are afraid to start treatment? We get it. It happens more often than you realize.

At our Sacramento practice, Dr. Damon Szymanowski and the team are here to help you recognize these signs and offer support. By identifying these symptoms early, we can work together to make your orthodontic experience positive and comfortable. Remember, it’s okay to feel this way, and we’re here to help every step of the way! 

Tips To Help With Dental Anxiety at The Orthodontist

Tips for Managing Dental Anxiety

Are you feeling anxious about your orthodontic visit? No worries! At Szymanowski Orthodontics in Sacramento, Dr. Damon and our friendly team have great tips to help you manage your nerves. 

  1. Open Communication: Share your feelings with us. Being honest is the best place to start. Dr. Damon and our team are here to listen and adjust your care to make you more comfortable.
  2. Knowledge is Power: Understanding what to expect can remove much of your fear. We’re happy to walk you through each treatment step so there are no surprises.
  3. Bring a Comfort Item: Whether it’s a stress ball, your favorite playlist, or a cozy blanket, having a familiar item with you can be soothing.
  4. Practice Relaxation Techniques: Simple breathing exercises can work wonders. Try inhaling deeply, holding it for a moment, and then slowly exhaling. It helps to reset the button on your anxiety.
  5. Consider Timing: Choose a time for your appointment when you’re less likely to be stressed. A quiet morning or a less busy afternoon?
  6. Distraction Techniques: Bring headphones and listen to music, audiobooks, or podcasts. Occupying yourself might help while we work on your smile.
  7. Bring Someone You Trust: Sometimes, knowing someone you trust in the waiting room can be an immense comfort.
  8. Positive Reinforcement: Remember our Smile Rewards program? It’s a fun way to stay motivated and focused on the positive aspects of your treatment.
  9. Regular Visits: Familiarity can reduce anxiety. The more you visit, the more comfortable you’ll become with the process and our team.
  10. Professional Help: If your anxiety feels overwhelming, it might be helpful to talk to a therapist. There’s no shame in seeking extra support.

At Szymanowski Orthodontics, we’re committed to making your orthodontic journey as comfortable and anxiety-free as possible. Remember, we’re in this together and here to support you every step of the way! 

How We Support Patients with Dental Anxiety

At Szymanowski Orthodontics in Sacramento, we do more than straighten your teeth. We support all of our patients, especially those with dental anxiety. Dr. Damon and our team believe in a patient-centric approach, where comfort is as essential as treatment.

Our office is designed to feel like a cozy, welcoming space. It’s more like visiting a friend’s home than a clinical setting. We use the latest orthodontic techniques, like Invisalign, which are often less intimidating and more comfortable than traditional methods.

Our staff is trained to empathize and understand. We’re here to listen, reassure, and adapt to your needs. Every patient’s anxiety is unique, and so is our approach. We tailor our care to meet your concerns, ensuring a positive, stress-free orthodontic experience.

Tips To Help With Dental Anxiety at The Orthodontist

Ease Your Dental Anxiety at Szymanowski Orthodontics 

At Szymanowski Orthodontics, we’re committed to making all of Sacramento smile. Your comfort is our priority every step of the way! Visit us here to schedule your free consultation with Dr. Damon. 

Different Parts of Braces

At Szymanowski Orthodontics, we pride ourselves on serving as a resource for our amazing patients. Another thing we’re proud of is the fact that we offer our patients some of the most cutting-edge treatments available, including Damon Smiles braces, a powerful new orthodontic tool that takes the best of traditional braces and improves on them. But what are they? Let’s take a look at the different parts of braces and what they do below. 


Demystifying Damon Braces: Understanding Their Unique Components

Orthodontic treatment has come a long way, and one of the most exciting innovations in recent years is Damon braces. These advanced braces offer a more comfortable and efficient way to achieve a straighter smile. If you’re considering Damon braces or just curious about how they work, it’s essential to understand the unique components that set them apart. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the parts of Damon braces and how they contribute to your orthodontic journey.


1. Damon Brackets – A New Era of Orthodontic Anchors:

The cornerstone of Damon braces is the Damon bracket. These small, high-tech brackets are designed to reduce friction and allow for more natural tooth movement. Unlike traditional braces with elastic ligatures, Damon brackets feature a unique sliding door mechanism that holds the archwire. This self-ligating system eliminates the need for tight, elastic ties, reducing pressure and discomfort.


2. Archwires – The Guiding Force Behind Damon Braces:

Just like traditional braces, Damon braces rely on archwires to guide your teeth into their desired positions. However, the Damon archwires are specially designed to work seamlessly with the self-ligating brackets. They are lightweight and flexible, exerting gentle but effective forces on your teeth. These archwires play a crucial role in achieving efficient and comfortable tooth movement.


3. Ligatures – A Thing of the Past:

One of the most significant differences with Damon braces is the absence of traditional ligatures or elastic ties. Instead, the self-ligating brackets have built-in doors that secure the archwire. This feature reduces friction between the wire and the bracket, resulting in smoother and more comfortable tooth movement. Say goodbye to the frequent tightening of ligatures associated with traditional braces.

4. Sliding Door Mechanism – The Key to Damon’s Success:

The sliding door mechanism within Damon brackets is the secret sauce that sets them apart. This component allows for quick and easy wire adjustments during your orthodontic journey. The absence of ligatures means fewer visits to the orthodontist for adjustments, making them a more convenient option for many patients.


Different Parts of Braces

5. Damon Bands – Customized Support for Molars:

While Damon braces often require fewer bands compared to traditional braces, they are still used to encircle molars when necessary. These bands provide essential support for back teeth and ensure they are aligned correctly. Damon bands are part of the customized approach that tailors treatment to your specific needs.


6. Clear Damon Braces – A Discreet Option:

For those who prefer a more discreet orthodontic solution, Damon offers clear brackets. These brackets are made from a ceramic material that blends with the natural color of your teeth, making them less noticeable than traditional metal brackets.


7. Damon Smiles – An Efficient and Comfortable Journey:

The unique combination of Damon brackets, archwires, and the self-ligating system creates an orthodontic experience that is not only efficient but also more comfortable. Patients often report less friction, reduced discomfort, and shorter treatment times compared to traditional braces.


8. Personalized Treatment – Your Smile, Your Plan:

Like all orthodontic treatments, Damon braces are customized to meet your specific needs and goals. Your orthodontist will carefully assess your smile and design a treatment plan tailored to your unique case. This personalized approach ensures that Damon braces work effectively to achieve your desired results.


9. Damon Retainers – Maintaining Your Beautiful Smile:

After your Damon braces come off, retainers become an essential part of the post-treatment phase. Retainers help maintain the new positions of your teeth, ensuring that your smile remains stable and stunning for years to come.

And it’s an important part of the process! The American Association of Orthodontists shows that retainers are essential if you want to keep that stunning new smile for a lifetime. 

Damon braces represent a significant advancement in orthodontic technology, offering a more comfortable and efficient way to achieve a straighter smile. Understanding the unique components of them, from the self-ligating brackets to the specialized archwires, can help demystify the process and empower you to make informed decisions about your orthodontic journey. If you’re considering this treatment, consult with Dr. Szymanowski to find out if they are the right choice for your smile transformation.


Different Parts of Braces

More Questions? Call Today! 

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about Damon braces! We hope you’ve got a little bit better of a picture of these exciting new tools and how they work. Now, all that’s left is to get started on your smile journey with Szymanowski! We’re a Sacramento favorite, and we can’t wait to show you why! Consultations are always free of charge, so call today to get your smile story started!

Orthodontic Health Month: Eating Sweet Treats With Braces & Oral Health

For most of us, October means pumpkin spice lattes, pretending Sacramento is colder than it actually is, and stashing candy in the house—which can have some scary orthodontic consequences! It’s a fitting time of the year to be the official Orthodontic Health Month.

Dr. Damon and our entire team at Szymanowski Orthodontics are going to make sure you can confidently handle eating sweet treats with or without braces while maintaining your overall oral health!  

Don’t Beware, Be Aware!

Orthodontic Health Month is a yearly occasion dedicated to promoting awareness about educating and encouraging good oral hygiene practices. At Szymanowski Orthodontics, we’re here to guide you in treating your teeth right. So, let’s begin!

Braces Aren’t Spooky!

At Szymanowski Orthodontics, we provide Invisalign for children, teenagers, and adults, along with traditional ceramic or metal braces. This transition can bring significant changes to your lifestyle, but we are dedicated to helping you in the initial adjustment and ensuring a successful long-term treatment plan. If you’re curious about the reasons why braces might be recommended, here are some typical considerations:

  • Overall Oral Health Benefits
  • Prevention of Future Issues
  • Correction of Misaligned Teeth
  • Bite Function Improvement
  • Jaw Disorders
  • Speech Correction
  • Cosmetic Improvement


Orthodontic Health Month: Eating Sweet Treats With Braces & Oral Health

Sugar Can Play Tricks!

When sugar, acids, and bacteria meet, dental issues can arise! Sugar promotes the growth of bacteria, which then produce acids that contribute to tooth decay. Consuming excessive sugar can lead to problems such as cavities, gum disease, or plaque formation. For individuals with braces, these issues can be even more challenging.


Outsmarting Sweets

Good news! You don’t need to eliminate sweet treats while wearing braces completely. However, it’s essential to exercise extra caution and mindfulness when it comes to your food choices and eating habits!

  1. Brushing and Flossing: The components of braces, including brackets and wires, have a tendency to trap sugar particles easily. Therefore, it’s crucial to maintain diligent oral hygiene practices after enjoying sweet treats. If you don’t have immediate access to a toothbrush, we highly recommend rinsing your mouth with water.
  2. No Hard or Sticky Candy: While caramel apples are a beloved fall tradition, it’s important to recognize that some snacks pose higher risks to your braces. Treats containing caramel or toffee have the potential to cause significant issues with your wires. Furthermore, hard candies can present challenges as they dissolve slowly, leaving your teeth exposed to sugar for an extended duration.
  3. Limiting Sweets: Consider implementing a structured routine to manage your sweet consumption. This may involve limiting sweet treats to just one or two meals per week or establishing specific guidelines to help you resist temptation more effectively.
  4. Regular Check-Ups: For individuals with braces, follow-up appointments are essential for us to assess the progress of your treatment. These appointments provide an opportunity for Dr. Damon to evaluate your condition and, if necessary, make any adjustments or repairs to ensure a more comfortable treatment experience.
  5. Orthodontic Wax: Having orthodontic wax easily accessible is a smart choice for individuals with braces. If your orthodontic appliance sustains damage, becomes loose, or develops protruding wires due to an incident involving candy, this wax can provide a temporary solution to alleviate discomfort until we can attend to it during your in-office visit.
  6. Choosing Wisely: Regarding treats, the best decision is to go for sugar-free alternatives, including foods and candies sweetened with sugar substitutes such as xylitol or erythritol. Nevertheless, it’s essential to be aware that certain sweets are more compatible with braces than others!


Sweets That Treat You Better

Getting braces doesn’t imply that you have to eliminate all sweet treats from your diet. Fortunately, there are yummy choices available, suitable for both those with and without braces, that contain much less sugar compared to other commonly enjoyed desserts. Rather than indulging in highly sugary options, think about trying one of these substitutes:

  • Homemade smoothies offer a delightful option for sweetness without the need for added cane sugar, particularly when incorporating naturally sweet fruits like mangoes or dates. Combining frozen or fresh fruit with low-sugar juice or yogurt creates a satisfying and braces-friendly snack.
  • Opting for dark chocolate with a high cocoa content (exceeding 70%) is a low-sugar alternative compared to milk chocolate, and it poses less harm to tooth enamel.
  • Plain yogurt can impart a mild sweetness while also providing probiotics and calcium, which offer benefits beyond dental health.
  • Fresh fruit contains natural sugars, which are generally healthier than processed sugars and come with additional advantages like fiber and essential vitamins. Their inherent sweetness makes them a delightful treat, and you can enjoy them in moderation. Excellent choices include strawberries, apple slices, and pears.

Orthodontic Health Month: Eating Sweet Treats With Braces & Oral Health

Serving Up Lovely Smiles at Szymanowski Orthodontics! 

You don’t have to compromise your oral health to enjoy sweet treats! With some careful consideration and proper dental hygiene, you can still incorporate sweetness into your diet! You can visit us for a free consultation or give us a call at our Sacramento office at (916) 378-1455

What are the Treatment Options During Two-Phase Treatment?

Here at Szymanowski Orthodontics, we treat smiles of all sizes – and that means patients as young as seven years old! That’s right, if your child is seven or older and they haven’t yet seen your local orthodontist, please make sure to correct that right away! The American Association of Orthodontists and Dr. Szymanowski recommend such an early age since there are some treatments that are only effective at this crucial stage in your child’s development. So, let’s take a closer look – what treatment options are used during two-phase treatment?

Unlocking Your Child’s Perfect Smile: Two-Phase Treatment Explained

You might be curious about what precisely entails two-phase orthodontic treatment and how it can benefit your child. Well, we’re delighted to provide some clarity! This specialized approach to orthodontic care tackles dental concerns in two distinct stages, each with its unique focus and advantages.

Phase One: This initial stage typically commences when a child is approximately 7-9 years old, a time when both permanent and baby teeth coexist. The primary objective during this phase is to address specific orthodontic issues. By intervening early, we can significantly enhance the long-term effectiveness of treatment or even simplify future orthodontic procedures.

Following the completion of the first phase, your child will continue to have periodic appointments, usually several times a year. These appointments serve to monitor the growth, development, and eruption of their permanent teeth, ensuring that their smile continues to progress as planned.

Phase Two: The second stage of treatment comes into play when your child is older and has all of their permanent teeth. This phase focuses on achieving the final adjustments needed for proper tooth alignment and bite correction. Depending on your child’s specific needs, this stage may involve the use of braces or aligners to achieve the desired results.

In essence, two-phase orthodontic treatment is a comprehensive strategy that accounts for the evolving nature of your child’s oral development. By taking advantage of these distinct phases, we can optimize the effectiveness of treatment, leading to a healthier, more confident smile for your child in the long run.


The Basics of Two-Phase Treatment

Two-phase orthodontic treatment is a strategic approach aimed at addressing orthodontic issues in two distinct stages. This method offers several advantages, including:

  • Early Intervention: Detecting and treating problems at an early age can prevent them from becoming more serious, potentially reducing the need for extensive treatment later on.
  • Improved Effectiveness: Two-phase treatment allows for targeted correction during each phase, ensuring that your child’s smile develops correctly.
  • Great Looking Smiles: Addressing issues early can lead to a more symmetrical and visually appealing smile as your child grows.

So, what are the treatment options available during these two phases?

Phase One: Early Intervention

Palatal Expanders

A common treatment in the first phase is the use of palatal expanders. These devices gradually widen the upper jaw, creating more space for permanent teeth to come in properly aligned. Palatal expanders can be particularly beneficial for children with crowded teeth or bite issues.

Partial Braces

Partial braces may be recommended to address specific tooth alignment issues during Phase One. These braces target the affected teeth, bringing them into proper alignment and ensuring there’s adequate space for incoming teeth.

Space Maintainers

In some cases, space maintainers are used to hold open a gap left by a prematurely lost baby tooth. This prevents neighboring teeth from shifting into the empty space and helps guide the proper eruption of permanent teeth.

What are the Treatment Options During Two-Phase Treatment?

Phase Two: Comprehensive Treatment

Full Braces

The second phase often involves comprehensive orthodontic treatment with full braces. These can be traditional metal braces or more discreet options like ceramic braces or Invisalign. Braces are used to fine-tune tooth alignment and bite issues, ensuring that your child’s smile is not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing.


Once the desired alignment is achieved, retainers are typically prescribed to maintain the results. Retainers help prevent teeth from shifting back to their original positions, ensuring the longevity of your child’s beautiful smile.

Personalized Treatment Plans

At Szymanowski Orthodontics, we understand that every child’s orthodontic needs are unique. Dr. Damon Szymanowski takes a personalized approach to treatment, carefully evaluating your child’s oral health and developing a tailored treatment plan that may involve one or more of these treatment options.

The Benefits of Early Intervention

Early orthodontic care is essential for identifying and addressing potential issues when they are most manageable. By starting treatment at the right time, you can:

  • Guide healthy jaw growth.
  • Lower the risk of trauma to protruding front teeth.
  • Correct harmful oral habits.
  • Boost your child’s appearance and self-esteem.
  • Ensure permanent teeth come in favorably.
  • Create a harmonious alignment of teeth, lips, and face.

What are the Treatment Options During Two-Phase Treatment?

Here for You, Your Child, and all the Rest! 

While the ideal age for an initial orthodontic evaluation is around seven, every child is unique. Dr. Szymanowski will assess your child’s specific needs and recommend the most appropriate treatment plan. The goal is to provide your child with a confident, healthy smile that lasts a lifetime.

Whether your child needs early intervention, your teen needs braces, or maybe you want to upgrade your smile, we’ve got you covered! We’re Sacramento’s one-stop smile shop, and consultations are always 100% free!

We can’t wait to meet you!  

Teeth Grinding In Your Sleep

Bruxism (tooth grinding) can really bruise your teeth! Especially if it happens at night. Fortunately for people in Sacramento, Szymanowski Orthodontics can help! Keep reading to learn more about how Dr. Damon can help you break away from bruxism and stop grinding your teeth in your sleep! 

The Midnight Moshpit: What is Teeth Grinding?

Imagine your teeth hosting a moshpit every night while you’re dreaming away. That’s teeth grinding, or bruxism, for you! It’s a habit where you often clench or grind your teeth without knowing it. Think of it as a rock concert in your mouth, but instead of music, there’s a grinding sound that could be music to no one’s ears.

Teeth grinding isn’t just a quirky nighttime behavior. It’s a sign that something in your dental health might be out of tune. Some folks grind their teeth during the day. But nighttime grinding often goes unnoticed. You might wake up with a sore jaw or a headache, wondering why. Well, that’s the aftermath of the midnight moshpit!

Understanding teeth grinding is like understanding the rules of the dance floor. It’s essential to know what’s happening so you can step in and take control. Don’t worry; you don’t have to face the music alone. We’re here to guide you through the ins and outs of this nocturnal nuisance. Ready to turn down the volume on teeth grinding? Let’s go!

Nighttime Nuisances: What Causes Teeth Grinding?

So, what’s behind this mysterious midnight moshpit in your mouth? It’s not just a random ruckus. Some real culprits are behind teeth-grinding. Let’s shine a spotlight on these nighttime nuisances:

  1. Stress & Anxiety: Life’s worries don’t always clock out at bedtime. Stress and anxiety can follow you into dreamland, causing your teeth to grind.
  2. Sleep Disorders: If you have sleep disorders like sleep apnea, your teeth might join the party, too. It’s a guest you didn’t invite but shows up anyway.
  3. Medications & Lifestyle: Certain medicines and habits like smoking or caffeine can crash the party. It’s like adding more weight to the moshpit.
  4. Dental Issues: Sometimes, misaligned teeth or an abnormal bite can lead to grinding.

Understanding the causes of teeth grinding is like knowing who’s on the guest list for this unwanted party. It helps you figure out how to send them packing. The good news? You’re not alone in this. Dr. Damon is ready to remix your dental routine and turn down the grinding.

So, if you’re tired of the nightly grind, it’s time to find out what’s causing it. Together, we can end this nighttime nuisance and let your teeth rest easy. Sweet dreams! 

Bruxism (tooth grinding) can really bruise your teeth, and Dr. Damon wants to help you combat and stop grinding your teeth in your sleep.

The Morning After: What Harm Can Teeth-Grinding Do?

The morning after a midnight moshpit in your mouth, you might wake up feeling like you’ve been to a real concert. But instead of memories of great music, you’re left with some not-so-great reminders of teeth grinding. Here’s what that nightly grind can do:

  1. Worn-Out Teeth: Your teeth are like the concert floor, and constant grinding wears them down. It’s like repeating the same song until the record’s worn thin.
  2. Jaw Pain & Headaches: Grinding your teeth can make your jaw join in with a painful protest.
  3. Tooth Sensitivity & Damage: Grinding can lead to chipped or cracked teeth and even sensitivity to hot and cold. The party got out of hand, and now there’s a mess to clean up.
  4. Long-Term Dental Issues: If left unchecked, teeth grinding can lead to serious dental problems. Imagine letting the party last too long. Now, the neighbors are complaining.

The harm from teeth grinding isn’t just a one-night stand; it can become a recurring event that takes a toll on your dental health. But don’t fret; you don’t have to face the music alone. You can turn off the tunes and let your teeth rest well with the proper care and attention.

Remember, the morning after doesn’t have to be a painful reminder of the night before. Let’s work together to ensure your teeth wake up fresh and ready to face the day without grinding blues. 

Orthodontics to the Rescue: How Can It Help?

So, the midnight moshpit has been rocking your mouth, and you’re ready to call it quits. Good news! Orthodontics is like the superhero swooping in to save the day. Here’s how it can help put an end to the nightly grind:

  1. Custom Night Guards: Think of these as bouncers at the club, keeping the grinding at bay. They’re made just for you, fitting your teeth like a glove and giving them a break from the dance-off.
  2. Fixing Alignment Issues: Sometimes, teeth grinding is like dancers out of sync. Straightening things out can calm the chaos. Our team can help align your teeth so they’re no longer stepping on each other’s toes.
  3. Regular Check-ups & Monitoring: Dr. Damon is like a party planner, keeping an eye on things and ensuring everything’s going smoothly. Regular visits can help catch any signs of grinding early so the party stays in order.
  4. Personalized Treatment Plans: Every mouth is unique, like a dance floor with its own groove. We will create a plan tailored just for you, ensuring your teeth are ready to waltz into wellness.

Orthodontics isn’t just about straightening smiles; it’s about harmony, rhythm, and getting your teeth back in tune. So, if your teeth grind away at night, don’t let them dance alone. Reach out to an orthodontist, and they’ll turn off the music, ensuring sweet dreams and happy mornings.

Ready to take control of the dance floor? Let’s make an appointment and get your teeth grooving to a healthier beat!

Bruxism (tooth grinding) can really bruise your teeth, and Dr. Damon wants to help you combat and stop grinding your teeth in your sleep.

Tame Your Teeth Grinding At Szymanowski Orthodontics

Sick of grinding your teeth? Visit Szymanowski Orthodontics here to schedule your free consultation with Dr. Damon. Get some better sleep, Sacramento! 

Extraction vs. Non-extraction Therapy

Knowing all the fancy orthodontic terms isn’t your job; it’s ours. So, we’ve compiled the ins and outs of extraction and non-extraction therapies to help you know the difference before or during your treatment process. Let’s break down and fill you in on extraction vs. non-extraction therapy.


Ins-and-Outs: Extraction Therapy

Extraction therapy, as the name suggests, removes one or more teeth. The process of extraction therapy is a careful one. Your orthodontist will only consider it when the situation demands it, such as severe crowding.

Our team at Szymanowski Orthodontics will consider several factors – the severity of the misaligned teeth (malocclusion), the size of the top and bottom sets of teeth, the relationship between your jaws, and the available space for tooth movement. We also take into account your overall facial profile and what’s needed for a healthy bite. Only after a thorough evaluation do we recommend extraction as a treatment option.

Ins-and-Outs: Non-extraction Therapy

Flipping the script, we have non-extraction therapy. Instead of removing teeth, we’ll work with what you’ve got, using the existing space in your mouth. Dr. Szymanowski will use different techniques to create more room for tooth movement, ensuring you get the best smile possible without having to bid farewell to any of your pearly whites.

Extraction Therapy Benefits

Extraction therapy offers several benefits. It creates space for proper teeth alignment, making it easier to maintain good oral hygiene and reducing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. It can also improve your facial appearance by balancing your profile and minimizing discomfort from overcrowded or impacted teeth. Extraction therapy can prepare your mouth for other dental procedures like orthodontic treatment, dentures, and even dental implants by removing damaged or decayed teeth.

Non-extraction Therapy Benefits

Non-extraction therapy is often the preferred choice when solving mild to moderate crowding, the facial profile or upper and lower jaws are well-balanced and aligned, and your bite is stable and functional. There are many benefits of non-extraction therapy. It’s a less intrusive option, maintains the natural relationship between your teeth and lips, and often requires less treatment and recovery time. However, it requires careful planning and consistent follow-up to ensure the best results.

Szymanowski Orthodontics is here to break down and fill you in on what extraction vs. non-extraction therapy is.

Picking the Right Option

Choosing between extraction and non-extraction therapy is like solving a puzzle; every piece must fit perfectly for the best result. It’s not only about clinical considerations; we also take into account your lifestyle, personal preferences, and concerns. At Szymanowski Orthodontics, we believe in personalized treatment plans because we understand that everyone is unique and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution.

Q&A About Extraction and Non-extraction 

We understand that you may have questions and concerns about these therapies. Let’s address some of the most common concerns we hear from our patients.

How long does it take to recover from extraction therapy?

Recovery time varies among patients, but typically, it can take a few days to a week for the extraction site to heal completely. Our team will provide personalized advice to help manage your recovery and have a comfortable healing process.

How will extraction therapy change the shape of my face?

Extraction can result in minor changes in facial structure, but these changes are usually minimal and often help overall facial balance. The objective of any orthodontic treatment, including extraction, is to enhance your smile and facial harmony. At Szymanowski Orthodontics, we carefully consider the potential impact on your facial aesthetics before recommending any treatment.

Is extraction therapy uncomfortable?

The idea of tooth extraction can be somewhat intimidating. However, we have some good news – at Szymanowski Orthodontics, we prioritize your comfort throughout the process. The procedure is performed under anesthesia, ensuring you won’t experience discomfort. After your procedure, we’ll give you detailed aftercare instructions, and any remaining discomfort can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers.

Does non-extraction therapy take a long time?

The duration of non-extraction therapy can vary depending on the severity of the crowding or misalignment. On average, it can take anywhere from 6 months to 3 years. Regular check-ups with Dr. Szymanowski will ensure your treatment is going as planned. Remember, orthodontic treatment is a marathon, not a sprint. The goal is to achieve a healthy, beautiful smile, and good things take time.

Szymanowski Orthodontics is here to break down and fill you in on what extraction vs. non-extraction therapy is.

Start Your Straight Smile Journey with Our Team

There’s the rundown of extraction vs. non-extraction, hopefully covering all your concerns. At Szymanowski Orthodontics, we strive to help you along your straight smile journey in any way we can. If you’re ready to begin your treatment or have any more questions, give us a call or schedule your free consultation today!